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Rescued By My Oven

May 1, 2023 at 11:30:00 PM

Oven Meals, How to Make Dinner without Being in the Kitchen

Oven meals can be very creative and also make it easy to include a variety of healthful vegetables in our meals. Best of all, once the food is in the oven you have free time while the meal is cooking.

Our home kitchens are like a restaurant; we all have our favorite meals as well as “specials”. When we experiment with something new, and like any good restaurant, running the home restaurant well takes some planning. If you have two ovens you could consider using one oven to cook the evening meal while using the other oven to get a head start on preparing the next meal.

Once you realize you can steam several pans of food at one time in your Steam oven and set a timer to monitor the progress you will relish not having to juggle the cooking of multiple pans on the cooktop. Or if you have a Speed oven you can take advantage of the ability to combine Convection with Microwaves to reduce the cooking time. After all, roast chicken or meatloaf in just 20 minutes has enormous appeal.

Preparing an entire meal in the oven in Convection has great appeal and is easy to do, you can even include dessert if it's something simple such as a fruit crisp. So when you plan your menus for the week or just for a few days, remember to plan the cooking so that you make good use of the oven features to simplify the cooking.

Larissa, Your Convection Enthusiast

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