Steamed Salmon Salad Niçoise
Steaming Mode

The ingredients for this delicious salad include potatoes, eggs and green beans, all of which have to first be boiled. Salad Nicoise is typically served with canned tuna but gently steamed salmon can be substituted and cooked in the steam oven at the same time as the other ingredients.
The steam mode in a steam oven essentially replaces the need to boil, steam or blanch foods with boiling water in a saucepan making meal preparation much easier. If your oven has a large perforated pan you can cook the potatoes, eggs and green beans all on the same pan. Begin by cooking the potatoes and eggs and set the timer for 12 minutes. Then add the green beans and salmon to the oven and set the timer for another 8 minutes.
The salmon is best cooked in a small solid pan or on a rimmed ¼ size baking sheet.
1 - piece salmon, approx. 1lb
1 - small lemon, halved, one half sliced
¼ - teaspoon herbs de Provence
1lb - small red or golden potatoes, cut into quarters
2 - large eggs
½ - lb. French style green beans
¼ - red onion, finely minced
½ - cup Mediterranean black olives
4 - tablespoons olive oil
1 - tablespoon red wine vinegar
½ - teaspoon Dijon mustard
Sea Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
Serves 4
Heat the oven in the Steam mode 212 degrees, 100% Steam.
Begin by steaming the potatoes and eggs, place them in the perforated pan and set the timer for 12 minutes. Meanwhile, trim the green beans and prepare the salmon.
Place the sliced lemons in a small solid pan and add enough water to just cover the bottom of the pan, add the salmon and season with the herbs and a sprinkle of kosher salt.
After 12 minutes add the green beans to the perforated pan and slide the solid pan with the salmon into the oven on the oven rack. Set the timer for 8 minutes and cook until the potatoes are tender, the green beans crisp tender and the salmon just set.
Immerse the eggs into cold water to cool them down.
Let the potatoes cool slightly before combining with the chopped onion and the dressing while still warm. Fold in the green beans and olives then peel the eggs and cut into quarters.
Place the potatoes and vegetables in a shallow serving bowl, scatter the cherry tomatoes on top and garnish with the eggs.
The salmon can be served on the side or flaked and combined with the vegetables.